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meet our staff

our people: Staff & Leadership

also serves as CMC Secretary

meet the church management committee 

The objectives of the CMC are to:

(1) Fulfill the intent of the Church’s vision and mission;

(2) Lead the Church in its programme of worship, education, prayer, outreach, and fellowship;

(3) Draw up the budget and its corresponding calendar of activities for each ministry for approval by Church members; and

(4) Develop and recommend to Church members any necessary policies and procedures for the smooth running of the Church.

Election of members to the CMC for a calendar year takes place at the Annual General Meeting that is held in September of the preceding year.


Yan Lai

deacon & chair person & worship minister *


ex officio, permanent position

* elected position

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Tom Wong

deacon & vice-chairperson


ex officio, permanent position


Winnie Chan

deacon & prayer minister *


ex officio, permanent position

* elected position


Diana Chan

fellowship minister


elected position

Group Hike

position vacant

youth minister


elected position


Matthew Chang

outreach minister


elected position


Fanny Chan

finance minister


elected position


Stephen Won

member at large


elected position


position vacant

Christian education minister


elected position

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